 We all consider the ant to be a true heavy hitter, lifting weights 20 times its own body weight, hurrying around  building nests and tunnels without sleep but, if you consider that amazing just wait till you see this critter, The mantis shrimp.   The mantis shrimp unlike other shrimp in it’s family takes a much fearsome role as a predator This one is about to devour the snail, but she’s gotta crack open it first right??. She carefully positions her legs and punches the snail with its legs with the force of a .22 caliber bullet, yup you heard me right an aquatic organism that can punch and crack open a snail’s shell with the force of a .22 caliber bullet!!, it’s the fastest attack in the entire animal kingdom!!.   This shrimp is called a smasher. The other is called a spearer buried under sand ambushes and impales its prey using a blade at blinding speed and drags it into the sand!! What makes mantis shrimp amazing isn't only it’s blinding speed but also its eyes unlike



The population of the world is increasing faster than nature can produce the essential resources,At present, it is 7.8 Billion. According to scientists by 2057  the population would breach the mark of 10 billion and 11 billion at the starting of 22nd century. Have you ever lived with 20 or 30 members in a single house!?.This situation may occur in the near future , this would mean people would look to shift to another comfortable planet like mars. Well some asteroids can collide and even if the scientists get the information we are unlikely to Stop it so we the only option left is to leave this planet. So the next likely name of the planet would be coming is MARS. generally, you might wonder how life on mars would be and how is the atmosphere over there.

There are many major problems that we may face when we are changing the planet. Firstly the diameter of mars is nearly half of the earth and when we say accurately its radius is nearly 53 % of the earth. When we compare the surface area of mars it comes to around 144.37MLN KM^2 that is just 28 % of the surface area of the earth but when we consider the only land area of the earth excluding the oceans it nearly comes the same.Gravitational force plays a key role for anyone to live over there, we know that gravitational force is directly proportional to that of mass when we come to the fact the mass of the earth is 10 times more than that of mars. So the longer we live on mass the more problems on our muscle and spine. Would you stick completely on the ground, perhaps most of us are worried about overpopulation, this problem would be more intense on mars  .coming to the fact that all of us cannot go at a sudden to mars.

 At first, a small group of people would be sent there. They would have to prepare the necessities for the growth of the manhole. To start they should try to start agriculture   as there is literally nothing over there. Forget about hiking through the forests over there. coming to a scientifically proven fact that under certain conditions growth of beans , potatoes Tomatoes, Rye,Radishes, Peas, Leeks, etc . so we would get something to eat over there but for the initial few days we need to carry some food during the travel for our survival in the time for the plant to grow. Mean while people should start the building of  houses but from where do they get the materials, we don’t get those materials on mars   as it would cost a huge amount of money if we try to carry from the earth which is not possible. Scientists proposed using of 3d printing technology for building the houses but paint used is very expensive , the proper alter to the paint is dust,  so  the construction of houses on mars would not be an issue. But where will the people building houses partially live with and at what conditions they should build a house. The NASA is currently working on this issue and many of the companies took an initiative and brought the  innovative prototypes for the design that could be brought on mars.The list of materials for construction of it is huge. It includes a shelter covering the home to protect  ourselves from the ionizing radiation  and the ability to maintain the comfortable living conditions of the house.

Of course, people don’t have any experience of living over there but the developers  are mainly concentrating on the living ,  food systems over the international space station  to make  an assumption how life on mars would be there.So the  shifting of the location of us to the mars would be in force.NASA even has a mining cover for this they created a special robot called RASOR which would try to note down the minute breakdown details of the soil on Mars and would try to find some solution. But there are many major problems on mars which has no answer.For example when we compare the the atmosphere of mars has 95 percent of carbon dioxide and 5 percent of other gases. we would have to wear the pressurized space suits with oxygen tanks if they have to go for a walk, That’s really disgusting. mars don’t have a global magnetic field in comparison with earth geomagnetic field. Combining with the thin atmosphere mars would receive ionization rays which would be quiet harmful for us and would lead to a lot of skin diseases. So we need a proper reliable protection to our whole body if we are to go there for the living.One of the  major problem is that water due to the harsh conditions in mars would start to boil at the 4-degree celsius .The problems would not end here, temperature over there would come to an main the fact that in poles it goes to -153 degrees Celsius and during day time mars would experience an average temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and at the equator it goes to 27 degree Celsius, So people would generally don’t get adjusted to such harsh conditions over there.

If we come to the seasons over there are just similar to the earth's seasons but they will last more than 3 months. when we come to the point there one year is equal to 669 martian days or nearly equal to 687 earth days as mars move more slowly around the sun than earth. But coming to the question of how would we go there. Forgoing into spacecraft we need to be so fit and we need to undergo training, people with health problems are not allowed to enter space. So not everyone would be able to go there. even if the problem gets solved then most of the people would refuse to go because among the 45 space crafts let into the mars since 1960 s  only 19 of them are successful and there are many problems that may lead to the failure of the spacecraft. So, people, won't try to come to the mars and if they come to the life on mars would be an tough one too.


Content written by Uday

Research done by Christy Samuel

Final touches by Vageeshram




  1. Highly informative and factual.That was nice.

  2. Nice insights about life on Mars. Please include video presentations also for lively experience..... Srinivasa Kumar

  3. Very interesting. So man has to pollute other planets as well 😂. Well written.


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